trepan3k (Python3 debugger)


trepan3k [ debugger-options ] [ -- ] [ python-script [ script-options …]]


Run the Python3 trepan debugger from the outset.


-h, --help:

Show the help message and exit

-x, --trace:

Show lines before executing them.

-F, --fntrace:

Show functions before executing them.


Filenames strip off basename, (e.g. for regression tests)


Connect to an existing debugger process started with the –server option

-x FILE, --command= FILE:

Execute commands from FILE

--cd= DIR:

Change current directory to DIR


Confirm potentially dangerous operations


Debug the debugger


Consecutive stops should have different positions


list of debugger commands to execute. Separate the commands with ;;


Use syntax and terminal highlight output. “plain” is no highlight


Don’t register this as a global debugger


Enter debugger on an uncaught (fatal) exception

-n, --nx:

Don’t execute commands found in any initialization files

-o FILE, --output= FILE:

Write debugger’s output (stdout) to FILE

-p PORT,–port= PORT:

Use TCP port number NUMBER for out-of-process connections.


Out-of-process server connection mode


Set to watch for signal handler changes

-t TARGET, --target= TARGET:

Specify a target to connect to. Arguments should be of form, protocol:address


Called from inside ipython


Use this to separate debugger options from any options your Python script has

See also

trepan2 (1), trepan3kc (Python3 client to connect to remote trepan session)

Full Documentation is available at